Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas in China

 Christmas Eve ride to Jinan, about 2 hours south of Being.
 Pingan ( 平安) apple, means safe travels.
 Christmas treat at the hotel cafe.
 We spent Christmas morning exploring 1000 Buddha Mountain, above photo and 1 below.

 Hotel delivery, Christmas day.
 Baitou Springs, Jinan. Above photo and below.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Happy holidays from Beijing

Thought I'd post a few recent photos from China, and send out holiday greetings...
Cartier Christmas tree, Tianjin, China.
Ritz lobby, Tianjin, China. Dawn managed to get us a free suite there for a couple of nights.
Tianjin Train Station sign: Do not lie down
I've been fortunate to have had a number of great train trips in China this past year.
Time to start putting Christmas gifts under the tree...
They set up this crazy obstacle course at the entrance to one of my favorite places in Beijing, the National Museum.

Below: cold in Beijing now, and at times the air is bad, but I still love living in China, traveling here, studying the language.