In English, this means "port of the galleons." No galleons (warships) at Puerto Galera now, just a lot of divers, drinkers, sexpats, snorkelers, with a range of hotels on offer "from sleaze to sophistication" and countless bars where "around sunset a metamorphosis takes place as ... barflies settle in, music cranks up, and all types -- and we mean all types -- of nightlife emerge." Great snorkeling can be found by paying a boatman 1,500 pesos (about $35) to take you out to the prime spots where you can see giant clams and lovely rainbow coral. Reaching Puerto Galera from Manila is not too difficult: it is about a 2-hour bus ride south to Batangas Port, and from there a 1-hour ferry ride. By the way, the top photo shows the view from my hotel room's porch.