Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Temples of Angkor

Recently I read that when you take photos you will not remember the event as clearly as when cameraless. Though this might be true, looking over my recent photos taken at the temples of Angkor, I find they serve as a powerful reminder of what a magnificent place that is.
Like the pyramids in Egypt, the Grand Canyon, and Petra in Jordan, the Angkor Temples are a must-see for travelers in Southeast Asia. Located about 150 miles northwest of Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, there are over 100 temples spread out over an area of about 400 square miles.
We bought a 3-day pass, and figuring out what to see and how to see it was a somewhat complicated matter, as can be seen by my well-worn map (photo above), color-coded to show different routes to take each day. Some visitors see parts of the site by bicycle, but for three days and a lot of area to cover we opted to hire a moto-trike driver, which worked out very well.

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