Saturday, July 19, 2014


Early last Wednesday morning, when my wife opened the large front living room window of our 25th-story apartment to have a look outside, I was afraid it was going to be ripped off its hinges and go sailing across Roxas Boulevard into Manila Bay. Luckily we managed to pull it shut, and the only damage was a cracked plastic shade on an overturned lamp that had been sitting near the window. Glenda, the first typhoon of the Philippine's "brutal rainy season," left 20 dead. In addition, flights at Manila Airport were grounded for 4 hours, all city trains stopped running, and 90% of Manila was without power.


  1. Well, great, now I have typhoons : spelling? to worry about....sometimes
    I wish my kids were all still in grade school instead of roaming around
    the world. thanks for the pics...glad the damage is now worse.

    Love, Mom

  2. Wow, last I knew you were in Dubai or similar - now the Philippines! I'm glad the window wasn't ripped off it's hinges - this type of thing really gives one respect for the power of nature, eh! I was raised by my Filipino step family in San Francisco, whose relatives are only half an hour outside of Manila, if I recall. I'll have to check and see if they are all okay, too! Glad you are okay...and hope the islands are good for you! The odd typhoon not withstanding...Take Care! Chelle of Ness
