Monday, November 3, 2014


With a population of 23 million, Shanghai is China's biggest city. As with places like Dubai and Singapore, it's a dazzling, high-tech city with iconic buildings and, some woud say, a lack of traditional culture.

Interesting sign in my hotel room, reminiscent of the old opium smoking days in Shanghai.

Getting the hell out before it's too late

Hmmm... I was a little leery about moving in too close for this shot.

From what I've seen as far as information flow here in China, most is heavily censored by the government (as is already common knowledge). In addition to the Web being tightly controlled, the news stations are also sanitized. The result is that unless the Chinese can somehow gain access to outside information sources, they're stuck with news that the government chooses to give them access to. Thus, with the Hong Kong protests, for example, it appears that due to biased one-sided news sources many Chinese believe they stem not from the desire for democracy, but instead from a devious plot funded by insidious unnamed foreign elements.


  1. Love these photos! It's so much fun to see China through your travels! :-)

  2. I love Shanghai.......the buildings are very unique...23 million people is
    amazing...hope you didn't pet that dog. Love, Mom
