Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Vegas of China

Macau, a peninsula in southern China, is a gambling mecca. A Portuguese colony for about 300 years, the city is a blend if old and new, traditional and glitzy. From Quanzhou on the mainland I took a train, subway, shuttle bus, ferry, then a taxi to reach my Macau hotel. Above is the entrance gate to board the high-speed train in Quanzhou.

The casinos in Macau seem a lot more sedate than Vegas casinos. The Chinese like to keep a clear head when gambling, so instead of alcohol, there is complimentary water, tea, and coffee.

Above 4 photos, some of the more traditional elements in Macau.

Above 3 photos taken at the upscale Wynn Palace.

The 4 photos above taken at a performance of the Monkey King, an elaborate Vegas-like show at the Macau Sands Theater.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Traditional Chinese teahouse

 Funeral offerings, Kaiyuan Temple, Quanzhou.
 Museum display on proper procedure for praying, Quanzhou Mosque.
 Cooking up some sort of Chinese donuts.

 Selling temple paraphernalia outside of Guandi Temple, Quanzhou.

 Typical breakfast area at a Chinese hotel.
 Just outside of Quanzhou Confucius Temple is a traditional Chinese teahouse. Entry is free to hear south Chinese classical music (Nanyin) and enjoy complimentary green tea. I went there every evening during my stay in Quanzhou.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Quanzhou, ancient port city

 I love Shanghai, but time to continue heading south toward Macau. Next stop, the ancient port city of Quanzhou, not far from Taiwan.
 I've seen these "IV" fruit juice bags for sale at snack shops several places in China.
I'm Staying at the Overseas Chinese Hotel in Quanzhou. In addition to fruit and tea, I got a complimentary set of mini Mao cups.
 These are for sale in the hotel lobby for 7 yuan, about $1.
 View from my room is okay, but the view from the bathroom/shower is fantastic.
 A favorite Chinese dish of mine, vegan hotpot. The cook even ground sesame paste for me.
 The furniture in the hotel lobby is for sale. The price there on the table is 128,000 yuan, or about $20,000.
 The ships in this region used to be modeled after birds.
 While taking a break in the Islamic Cemetery, I saw this bug, colorful and unusual enough to merit a photo.

Above 4 photos taken at Shaolin Kung Fu Temple outside of Quanzhou. The temple architecture is markedly different in this southeast region of China.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Dragon Boat Festival, Shanghai

Jing'an Park, Shanghai
Hotpot-- cook your meal at the table
Qibao, Shanghai
Qibao Temple
Bricks of pu'er tea, and rounds above.
Temple of the Town God, Shanghai.

Above 2 photos, crowds flock to Shanghai for the Dragon Boat Festival.

Friday, June 15, 2018

To Macau and back...

Heading south along the coast to Macau, the Las Vegas of China.

Beijing South Railway Station.
Seventh Heaven Hotel, my hotel in Shanghai right in the center of the action.
First time I have had a hot & cold water dispenser in my hotel room.

Above two photos, Shanghai at night.
Demonstrating toy Spidermen on a Cartier window.