Sunday, March 17, 2019

The incredible Xuankong Hanging Monastery

 Snapped this shot at Yungang Caves, but forgot to post it last time.

These feather dusters are for sale all over Datong City (near Inner Mongolia).
 Apparently the Chinese often use English for fashion without knowing the meaning.
 Blow-drying the coals.
Making home-made noodles for breakfast at Datong's wonderful Garden Hotel.
I went on a day tour with about 30 Chinese and one other Westerner (a UK policeman from Sri Lanka who is traveling around the world).
Our tour started out early in the morning at the Hanging Monastery.
Above photo and 3 below taken at the Hanging Monastery. Not a good place for people with vertigo. It's rumored these will soon be off limits to tourists, so you'd better get there soon...

 Next, we went on to Heng Mountain, one of China's 5 famous Taoist mountains. Above photo and 4 below.

 Above 2 photos, Datong Old Town.
 I see less and less of these "egg" trikes in China.
 Morning tai chi, Old Town Datong.
 Seed trike.
 Styles change, but as you can see in the reflection I still wear baggy cargo pants.

5 Dragon Screen, Datong Old Town.
Defeats the purpose when you leave the door open.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The fantastic Yungang Caves near Inner Mongolia

 Ready to depart. Datong borders Inner Mongolia, and from Beijing there are only slow trains, about 6 hours southwest.
 The old but attractive Beijing Railway Station.
 China's iconic green "slow trains."
 This is what much of Inner Mongolia looks like. Still some snow here, and much colder than Beijing.
 Almost as soon as I arrived in Datong I  was laid low with stomach problems, possibly from drinking the water on the train. I was however well enough the following evening to wander around Datong at sunset to snap some photos.
 Above photo and 4 below. Feeling a lot better, I took a taxi early this morning out to the magnificent Yungang Grottos, definitely some of the best caves in China.

No shortage of things to buy when exiting the caves area, snacks, trinkets, souvenirs, etc.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The end of Spring Festival

 A fine day out at Beijing's Summer Palace. He's giving me a thumbs up because he's impressed that to signal to snap the photo I can count to 3 in Mandarin.
 A kite flyer abruptly had me take over.
 There are some fantastic kites in China.

 Right after we arrived at the Summer Palace this woman drew my photo on a piece of porcelain. I was flattered, until she tried to sell it to me.
 Still the tail end of Chinese New Year, so Chinese from all over China are visiting their capital city.
 It gets very cold in Beijing, but rarely snows.
 Having a blast at Beijing's Hou Lake.
 Spring is near, so I'm biking more often.
 ...but the air not so great on this particular day.
And so another Chinese New Year celebration draws to a close.