Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As american as ...

My mother had an idea today for a blog posting. She suggested I take a photo of the dinner I cooked for myself today, and the dinner she cooked for herself and the rest of the family. My meal consisted of brown rice with lentils and walnuts, collared greens, salad with olive oil, and half an avocado, with a pomegranate/orange juice as a beverage (and flax oil supplement on the side). Becky opted for the traditional American fried hot dog in a bun, French fries, Coke, and a Hershey bar and muffin for dessert.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hanging Out in the US

From Abu Dhabi it's a long trip to the Midwestern US, entailing a 7 hour flight to Europe, then another 8 hours on to NYC, then yet another flight to Pittsburgh. Door to door the journey took me over 30 hours. The photo above shows Wes demonstrating the proper American way to fire up the BBQ grill. The key here is not to be stingy with the lighter fluid.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Back to Abu Dhabi

From Cyprus it's back to the hot summer days of Abu Dhabi. Ramadan continues so many people in the city don't eat or drink throughout the day. After sunset, however, things pick up and there are various festivities each evening throughout Abu Dhabi.