Friday, June 24, 2011

The Middle Atlas Mountains

Azrou is a Berber town in the Middle Atlas Mountains, about a 2-hour bus ride south of the city of Fez. It's a good place to lay up for a couple of days, exploring the town and the countryside and relaxing at the streetside cafes. After arriving on the bus from Fez, we checked into the Hotel de Panorama, an inexpensive older (and supposedly peaceful) hotel in the woods a short walk from town, but not long after settling into our room the roar of machinery started up for a nearby road repaving project. The following day things leveled out -- the paving work was done, so we could enjoy the mountain setting without all the commotion from the machinery. By chance we arrived in town on Monday, the day before market day. This is an important large weekly market for the region with numerous goods on offer including colorful Berber carpets, fruits and vegetables, new and used clothes, plastic flowers, live animals, watch repair, tools, etc. Azrou is about the end of the road for my travel partner. From here it is back to Casablanca to fly back to Abu Dhabi, so it is time for me to adjust to solo travel mode ...

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