Wednesday, April 9, 2014

North by train to Nha Trang & Danang

Nha Trang, Vietnam's premier beach town, is about a 9-hour train ride north of Saigon. It's a great place for snorkeling and diving, or just relaxing on the beach.

My room was on the 5th floor at the hotel in Nha Trang and there was no elevator, so an electric cable was used instead to bring my bag up to my room.
These two were having a great time snapping my photo so I decided to return the favor.

The Russians love Nha Trang. They tend to stick together (as in large group tours) and frequent Nha Trang's restaurants, bars, beaches, and pools.

I took this photo in Danang, a large city about 9 hours north of Nha Trang by train. Many Vietnam vets likely know of this city because this is where the war escalation took place when 3,500 Marines arrived in March 1965.
I took this photo inside the Cao Dai Temple in Danang. Cao Daism is "a syncretic religion born in 20th-century Vietnam that contains elements of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Native Vietnamese Spiritualism, Christianity, and Islam -- as well as a dash of secular enlightenment thrown in for good measure." The temple has beautifully manicured grounds, and while I was inside the temple the guard was very picky about where I stepped as I approached the giant eyeball.

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