Sunday, October 27, 2019

Qufu, home of Confucius

 If it weren't the birthplace of China's most famous sage, Qufu would be just another run of the mill Chinese town. Now with daily busloads of tourists the money pours in.

 Above 3 photos:  daily morning and evening rituals take place at Confucius Temple.
 Outside the gate of Confucius Temple: children dressed in little scholar robes.
 School kids doing a photo shoot outside the gate of Confucius Temple.
 Wedding photo shoot at the same gate later that day.
 Chinese opera performance at Confucius Mansion.
 5 photos below: the JW Marriott has moved in next door to Confucius Temple, and with its subtle, elegant ancient Chinese style it's likely now Qufu's best hotel

 There are many of these horse and carriages in Qufu Old Town.
 I call this the Mao mobile.
Precisely measuring containers of hot sauce at a local Qufu restaurant.
We returned home to Beijing late last evening, so this morning I visited our local park.
Later in the afternoon I biked to a coffee shop to study Chinese, and spotted this guy (likely ordering up a catpuccino).

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