Saturday, October 19, 2019

Xi'an -- Gateway to the ancient Silk Road

 Located in Southwest China, Xi'an is one of my favorite cities in China. From Beijing it's about a 5 hour train ride.
 Interesting the things people take along on train trips.

 Another good ride.
 Park at Little Goose Pagoda.
 Little Goose Pagoda.
 Xi'an Museum.
 Concert from the Tang Dynasty era.

 Seems the Xi'an subway workers are all young, and many wield sticks or hooks.
 Muslim Street, a favorite place of mine in Xi'an. Above photo and 4 below.

Xi'an dog lovers.
Early morning work at Xi'an drum tower.
Above, robot ice cream vendor. Below, robot street sweeper.

Above and below, Xi'an's famous Big Goose Pagoda


  1. Love love the ladies with the dogs,everywhere I go I take dog pictures.
    As always cool pics!

    1. They were real nice about letting me take their photo.
